6 Months!
Where has the time gone?! From being pregnant to the seemingly endless newborn stage, it’s hard to believe Aleesha (Musa’s little sister) is 6 months already. This age, in particular, is important for me. I want to soak up every moment I can because I didn’t get that with Musa. I found out about his allergies when he was 5 months and from then, until he was a year old, I felt like I was worrying about everything. His eczema, skin infection, allergens, nursing him and a multitude of other things. It was nonstop to the point where I can’t even remember how old he was when he started crawling or babbling! I look back pictures of him and think how that precious time was taken away.
Now, my goal is to soak up every bit of this age- long nights, spit ups, baby cuddles and all! And even though I lost out on that time with Musa, I have him by my side as we watch his little sister grow. She laughed for the first time at Musa’s goofiness. She rolled over to get a better look at him…because again he was doing something goofy. Don’t get me wrong, I still need to keep a close watch on them. Musa loves to “help out” by trying to pick Aleesha up all lopsided or wake her up when he’s up at 6am all because he wants someone to play with. The chaos with two is never ending but I know what I missed before. That’s what makes this time that much more special.
At times, I really worry about whether or not Aleesha has food allergies. She hasn’t been tested since there are no clear signs of allergies. Musa’s allergist recommended starting her on egg at 4 months which is what we have been doing. There has been a bit of redness at times and some constipation. It may or may not be the egg, but my fear always is that it is. Again, it’s just my fear and hopefully just that. For all you parents juggling multiple food allergies for 2 or more, you are stronger than I ever think I can be.
No worrying today, though. Instead, we are going to enjoy our snowed in day by making hot chocolate with Musa, trying avocados for Aleesha and just relaxing.