Allergy Friendly Home

I always thought (mostly wished) that Musa would outgrow his allergies and all would be normal again. That clearly wasn’t the case…nor does it seem like much is changing for the future. Now, keep in mind, allergies aren’t limited to just food. When Musa was diagnosed with dust and mold allergies we had to make immediate changes to our living space. A few favorite items are linked below.

Air Purifier- This is a must with a dust allergy. I really saw a difference with how Musa slept. We have the GermGuardian in his room and the Holmes in our room for when he wants to cuddle (aka take over our bed). Both are great, in my opinion. I heard good things about the GermGuardian when we were initially in the market for an air purifier. The second time around we wanted something more cost effective to we went with the Holmes. Both need filters about 2-3 times a year so make sure to factor the cost of those as well. Both purifiers and their filters are linked below. (Bonus: Air purifiers double as noise/sound machines.)


GermGuardian Filter

Holmes Small Room Air Purifier

Holmes Air Filter

Allergen Free Pillow– I didn’t really know this existed until Musa’s allergist recommended it. Technically, these pillows don’t need cases. I still put one on but made sure it was 100% cotton. Musa had a lot of eczema on his face so I wanted something that would irritate his skin. The pillow we got was a bit softer than what Musa prefers now so we invested in a firmer one. Both are linked below!

Pure Enrichment MistAire Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier

Crane Humidifier, Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier

Shark Navigator Lift Away Professional Vacuum- A good vacuum that lifts away dust is important when you have rugs and especially carpet! I’ve had the best results with this vacuum. The filter can be easily washed, air dried and put back together. The attachments help clean EVERYTHING!

Toy Hammock– We have A LOT of stuffed animals. So we try to keep them up and away since stuffed animals collect so much dust. This hammock is a cute and easy solution.